WP Company Manager – sMyles Plugins https://plugins.smyl.es WordPress and WHMCS Plugins Tue, 11 Feb 2025 18:46:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.6.29 WP Company Manager for WP Job Manager BETA Available Now! https://plugins.smyl.es/release-announcements/wp-company-manager-for-wp-job-manager-beta-available-now/ https://plugins.smyl.es/release-announcements/wp-company-manager-for-wp-job-manager-beta-available-now/#respond Mon, 27 Jan 2020 18:08:47 +0000 https://plugins.smyl.es/?p=178781 The BETA program for the new WP Company Manager for WP Job Manager is now available, and you can join the program by signing up with the link below.  But first … a few things to note:

  1. You should NOT be testing this on a live production site!  This should ONLY be used on development environments!
  2. There is currently no way to “Import” or “Convert” existing listings/companies to be used in the new plugin. I am however working on this feature, and need YOUR feedback to let me know how your existing “Companies” are setup!

Finally, by joining the program you agree to the Beta Terms and Conditions

Specifically — after 90 days the beta version will deactivate itself, so you must keep the plugin updated for it to keep working!

Please also join the chat server at https://chat.smyl.es to discuss issues and problems and provide feedback on the beta plugin!

To join the beta program, sign up here:


Overview Video:

https://plugins.smyl.es/release-announcements/wp-company-manager-for-wp-job-manager-beta-available-now/feed/ 0