If Shortcodes – sMyles Plugins https://plugins.smyl.es WordPress and WHMCS Plugins Tue, 25 Mar 2025 20:40:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.6.29 Field Editor 1.8.1 Release – Logic Animations, Shortcodes, Fixes, and More! https://plugins.smyl.es/release-announcements/field-editor-1-8-1-release-logic-animations-shortcodes-fixes-and-more/ https://plugins.smyl.es/release-announcements/field-editor-1-8-1-release-logic-animations-shortcodes-fixes-and-more/#respond Wed, 11 Apr 2018 22:13:01 +0000 https://plugins.smyl.es/?p=152815 Today, April 11, 2018, version 1.8.1 of the Field Editor addon for WP Job Manager has been released.  This update includes new features including the ability to customize the conditional logic animations using Velocity.JS, a new if_custom_field shortcode, passing custom values for logic through a filter, and more!

Conditional Logic Animations/Transitions

This release includes an update that adds the ability to configure your conditional logic transitions/animations, using the very popular and widely used, Velocity.JS framework.   This is completely optional, and you can leave this disabled to maintain the origin/existing show/hide handling … but if you would like to customize it, hop on over to the field editor settings page, and enable this new feature and give it a try!

if_custom_field Shortcode

If any of you started using the new conditional shortcode features available in the Field Editor addon, you will be very happy to know that this release adds a new shortcode (3 actually), to alleviate the initial bug when using conditional shortcodes, due to the fact that you can’t nest shortcodes inside each other ( see here for more details ).

Well, i’m happy to say that you now have 3 available shortcodes to use, if_custom_field, if_resume_field, and if_job_field.  All three of these shortcodes do exactly the same thing, but having multiple available, allows you to nest if statements, inside other if statements ( see docs for more details ).

This also introduces a much easier to use syntax for the shortcodes, as you no longer have to make sure that you use the right attribute/argument based on the field type.  Previously, if you wanted to do a check on a single value field (non-taxonomy, non-multivalue), you had to use the if_contains or if_equals argument … and with multiple field types or taxonomies, you had to use has_value or has_value_containing.. well no more of that!

The new syntax will automagically determine the correct method to use, and will do everything for you.  All you have to do now is choose between using equals or contains:

[if_custom_field key="job_category" equals="north"]
North Category!

Head on over to the conditional shortcodes documentation for more details, including examples and more!

Admin Only fields in Conditional Logic

This release also fixes a bug in the conditional logic configuration area, where you were originally able to select an admin only field, to be used in the logic … which technically would never work correctly, as admin only fields never exist on the frontend .. so when the logic attempts to process and check the value, there’s no way to do that.

One would think, being as it’s an admin only field, for both security and peace of mind ..you would never want that visible or stored on the frontend of your site.  Well you would be surprised, as I got some grief from a few clients saying that the plugin had bugs I wasn’t fixing … which I can understand … somewhat … but I always take security and optimization of my plugins VERY seriously, and there’s no way i’m going to expose admin only fields on the frontend by default.

So with that said, you can no longer select admin only fields to be used for conditional logic checks …. by default, that is.

I still understand there may be a need to expose certain fields for functionality, or logic handling .. and those fields may not be something that needs to be “secured” from the user (it could be a value of yes, or no, etc).

That is why I have added multiple ways to enable admin only fields, to pass values to frontend for all admin only fields, for only certain ones, and more.

Head on over to the Conditional Logic Admin Only Fields documentation for more details, and examples.

Other Misc Fixes and Updates

You can see all of details for bug fixes, and updates, located on the Changelog page for WP Job Manager Field Editor

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