How to add additional email addresses when email is sent to WordPress admin_email option value


 * WARNING: this only checks if the email is being sent to the same email as admin_email option.
 * If for some reason another email is sent to that same email address, but it's not meant as an "admin email"
 * this filter will still add those additional emails, just something to keep in mind.
add_filter( 'wp_mail', 'my_custom_to_admin_emails' );

* Filter WP_Mail Function to Add Multiple Admin Emails
* @param array $args A compacted array of wp_mail() arguments, including the "to" email,
*                    subject, message, headers, and attachments values.
* @return array
function my_custom_to_admin_emails( $args ) {

    // This assumes that admin emails are sent with only the admin email
    // used in the to argument.
    if( is_array( $args['to'] ) ) return $args;

    $admin_email = get_option( 'admin_email' );

    // Check if admin email is in string, as plugins/themes could have changed format (ie. Administrator <[email protected]> )
    if( strpos( $args['to'], $admin_email ) !== FALSE ){

        // Create array in case there are multiple emails defined in CSV format
        $emails = explode( ',', $args['to'] );
        * Add any additional emails to the array
        * All email addresses supplied to wp_mail() as the $to parameter must comply with RFC 2822. Some valid examples:
        * [email protected]
        * User <[email protected]>
        $emails[] = '[email protected]';
        $emails[] = 'User <[email protected]>';

        $args['to'] = $emails;

    return $args;
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