add_shortcode('listing_custom_file_output', 'listing_custom_file_output_filename_link');
function listing_custom_file_output_filename_link( $atts, $content = ''){
// !! WARNING !!
// When using the core WordPress `get_post_meta` you MUST prepend the meta key
// with an underscore. So if the meta key was listing_custom_file, below it
// needs to be _listing_custom_file
$file_paths = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), "_listing_custom_file")
if( empty( $file_paths ) ) return;
// Array means multiple files allowed in upload
if( is_array( $file_paths ) ){
foreach( $file_paths as $file_path ){
echo "<a href='{$file_path}' target='_blank'>" . basename( $file_path ) . "</a>";
} else {
// Otherwise is just a single file upload field
echo "<a href='{$file_paths}' target='_blank'>" . basename( $file_paths ) . "</a>";
$output = ob_get_clean();
return $output;
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