Add Job (or Resume) Search and Filtering Result Count Output

If you’re using the Search and Filtering addon plugin, you may want to output how many results are returned.  By default this integration is already available in the plugin, but you need to add a couple HTML elements where you want these values output to handle this.

All you need to do is add some elements with these classes, and after results are returned, the Search and Filtering plugin will automatically insert the values.

Jobs Classes

50 Jobs
1 Job

job_result_count – The count value (numeric) will be inserted into this element

job_result_count_test – The text for the type will be inserted into this element (Job or Jobs or whatever post type label you’re using, ie Listing/Listings, etc)

Full Example:
<div class="job_result_wrap"><span class="job_result_count"></span> <span class="job_result_count_text"></span></div>

Resumes Classes

5 Resumes
1 Resume

resume_result_count – The count value (numeric) will be inserted into this element

resume_result_count_test – The text for the type will be inserted into this element (Resume or Resumes)

Full Example:
<div class="resume_result_wrap"><span class="resume_result_count"></span> <span class="resume_result_count_text"></span></div>

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