Want to auto detect the user’s country based on their IP? Maybe you want to have the phone field type default to a specific country? What about putting preferred countries at the top of the dropdown list? You can do all of this and more with the new filter added in WP Job Manager Field […]
How to customize Optional or Required label on fields, and Submit buttons
There may come a time where you want to customize the label next to fields that tell the website visitor if the field is Required or Optional, and it just so happens you can do that with WP Job Manager Field Editor. By default WP Job Manager puts a (optional) label next to any fields that are not […]
How to change button, or other text on entire WordPress site
I have received a few requests from users about how they can change the wording on things such as buttons, or even “Resumes” in general. Even though this is out of the scope of the WP Job Manager Field Editor plugin, I will show you in this tutorial how to easily change pretty much any […]
Field Output Configuration
With the release of WP Job Manager Field Editor version 1.1.8 a new feature has been included which now allows you to specify custom fields you want to automatically output on Job/Resume listings. You can still use the integrated Widget, PHP or Shortcodes to output the custom fields, but it is now a lot easier to do […]
How to dump/output field array data below list tables
Starting with version 1.1.5 you can now add &debug to the end of any list table URLs to dump/display all field array data below the list table. This will force the plugin to check if xdebug is installed, if it is the plugin will use var_dump to output values, otherwise it will wrap the array data in <pre> tags […]
How to output custom fields on job and/or resume listings
As of version 1.1.9 there is an integrated auto output feature!: https://plugins.smyl.es/docs-kb/field-output-configuration/ As of version 1.1.5 there is an integrated widget you can use to output a custom field: https://plugins.smyl.es/blog/widget-now-included-with-wp-job-manager-field-editor/ As of version 1.2.0 the widget has undergone a huge overhaul and should have all the same options as auto output: https://plugins.smyl.es/docs-kb/using-the-integrated-widget/ You can also […]
Output custom field values using PHP
To output any custom fields you have created you can either use Shortcodes or one of the following PHP functions to output the custom field values. Right now there are multiple functions available, one for job fields, company fields, resume fields, etc. This is for any future enhancements, but currently all functions do the same […]
WP Job Manager Field Editor Shortcodes
Shortcodes Right now you can use either job_field, resume_field, custom_field, or company_field and it will output same data. Separate shortcodes are for future enhancements. If you want the shortcode to ONLY output the value (without any HTML or other wrappers), set the output_as argument to value: [custom_field key=”my_meta_key” output_as=”value”] Below is a list of arguments supported […]