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WP Job Manager Search and Filtering

Search and Filtering Released!

I’m very happy to announce the release of the stable version of WP Job Manager – Search and Filtering plugin! Search and Filtering is a complete drag-and-drop, frontend editing plugin, allowing you to visually change and see exactly what your visitors will see when searching or filtering listings on your website.  This fully featured plugin allows […]

Basic Premium and Elite Licenses

After the past 8+ years of building, supporting, and maintaining WP Job Manager plugins, as well as supporting the clients using those plugins, I have come to found that a lot of the time the most common request is around actual support of getting a site setup and running.  Most of the time these questions […]

Field Editor Conditional Shortcodes 1.7.0 – 1.8.0

As of version 1.7.0+ the shortcodes now have conditional logic integrated with them.  For any specific examples below, I will be using [custom_field] shortcode, but they all will work the same.  See the end of this page, for video tutorial that goes over these features. This documentation is for Field Editor 1.8.0 or OLDER, please […]

Field Editor Conditional Shortcodes

As of version 1.8.1+ the shortcodes now have conditional logic integrated with them.  Make sure to read all the documentation below, especially if you plan on nesting conditional shortcodes inside each other. Documentation for Conditional Shortcodes in version 1.7.0 through 1.8.0, can be found here: Full shortcode attributes and reference can be found here: […]



WP Job Manager Field Editor is an essential tool if you’re looking to customize your WP Job Manager Plugin. It reduces all the hassle and saves you so much time than to tweak the code. Myles really goes the extra miles(no pun intended) when he replies on your support ticket. Instead of being like the […]

Custom Work

As many of you know, I have very high standards, and I do not advertise on ANY of my websites (besides for Codeable which I personally have used and vetted). After years of searching and months of un-biased testing, I have partnered with Codeable to provide you with the best available WordPress developers out there. […]