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Archive | WP Job Manager Field Editor

Empty Meta Cleanup (Free) Plugin with Field Editor Integration (remove existing meta)

Enable/Disable in Resume Settings Area

If you’ve ever looked at your database you may have noticed that in some situations there will be empty meta values saved to the database by WP Job Manager.  This happens when you have an optional field that the user does not fill out, and WP Job Manager still saves the value, even though it’s empty.  […]

WP Job Manager Field Editor 1.8.9 Released – Multiple Auto Ouput, Sortable Uploads, HTML5 Required, WPJM 1.32.0+, and more!

WP Job Manager Field Editor Multiple Auto Output Locations

Today I am happy to say that I have released a long awaited updated for the Field Editor plugin, version 1.8.9, which adds support for WP Job Manager 1.32.0+, the ability to select multiple auto output locations, sortable file uploads, and mobile support for multiselect fields  — including dynamic child taxonomy feature, conditional logic, and  […]

WP Job Manager Field Editor 1.8.5 – Dynamic Taxonomy Child Dropdowns, Exclude Terms, Output CSV, and more!

Dynamic Taxonomy Child Dropdowns

I’m happy to say that today is the release of version 1.8.5 of the WP Job Manager Field Editor plugin, which includes numerous highly requested features, bug fixes, enhancements, and more!  At the top of the list is the new Dynamic Taxonomy Child Dropdowns, which I have been working on for well over 4 months!  […]