How to dump/output field array data below list tables

Starting with version 1.1.5 you can now add &debug to the end of any list table URLs to dump/display all field array data below the list table.  This will force the plugin to check if xdebug is installed, if it is the plugin will use var_dump  to output values, otherwise it will wrap the array data in <pre>  tags to show pretty output.


As an example, here is the normal URL for the Job Fields list table:

If you want to output the field data below the list table, just add &debug  to the end of that URL, ultimately making our example URL look like this:

 Example xdebug output

If you have xdebug installed on your server, the output should look similar to this (if you have edited/added fields):

WP Job Manager Field Editor xdebug output example

WP Job Manager Field Editor xdebug output example

Example output without xdebug installed

If you don’t have xdebug installed it will still show the output, just without the color highlighting:

WP Job Manager Field Editor without xdebug output example

WP Job Manager Field Editor without xdebug output example


This can be done on any list table page for WP Job Manager Field Editor.

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