WP Job Manager Field Editor WordPress Plugin
Full Resume Fields SupportWP Job Manager Field Editor Conditional FieldsWP Job Manager Field TypesWP Job Manager Field Editor HTML5 Field Validation ExampleWP Job Manager Field Editor Modal ConfigWP Job Manager Field Editor  Advanced Field Arguments TabCustom Resume File Upload and Dropdown FieldsWP Job Manager Field Editor  HTML5 Video Auto OutputWP Job Manager Field Editor Auto Output AreasCustom Job Field in List With Details PopoverWP Job Manager Field Editor reCAPTCHA SettingsCustom Field on Post a Job FormWP Job Manager Field Editor  Auto Output Locations ListifyFull Company Fields SupportDisable A Field ModalWP Job Manager Field Editor WooCommerce Paid Listings Packages SupportWP Job Manager Field Editor  Auto PopulateWP Job Manager Field Editor Auto Output As OptionsWP Job Manager Field Editor Auto Output OptionsWP Job Manager Field Editor Modal Advanced TabWP Job Manager Field Editor Job SettingsWP Job Manager Field Editor Resume SettingsWP Job Manager Field Editor Field SettingsWP Job Manager Field Editor Output SettingsWP Job Manager Field Editor Admin SettingsWP Job Manager Field Editor Backup SettingsWP Job Manager Field Editor Debug SettingsWP Job Manager Field Editor WidgetDynamic Taxonomy Term FieldsAdvanced Field Configuration TabDynamic Taxonomy Child DropdownsWP Job Manager Field Editor Dynamic Taxonomy Child Dropdowns DemoWP Job Manager Field Editor Sortable File/Image UploadsWP Job Manager Field Editor HTML5 Required Validation WP EditorWP Job Manager Field Editor HTML5 Required Validation iPhone Select an ItemWP Job Manager Field Editor Multiple Auto Output Locations

WP Job Manager Field Editor

4.92 out of 5 based on 127 customer ratings
(127 customer reviews)

From: $49.00 $39.00

Clear selection

Product Description

WP Job Manager Field Editor is the only plugin that will allow you to completely customize all form fields for WP Job Manager submit listing pages (frontend/admin).  Not only will you be able to customize all of the default fields for submitting job posts, but you will also be able to create your own custom fields as well.  Want to change the wording for the label of a default field?  Maybe you want to change the placeholder (text inside input field), or disable it completely, well WP Job Manager Field Editor does all of that and more! You can also now completely customize the way custom fields are output, use the Automatic Output feature or integrated Widget with numerous output types (oEmbed, Video, Link, etc).

Every license includes 1 year of unlimited support, and updates. There is no requirement to renew the license unless you would like support or upgrades after the 1 year period. Plugin will still function as normal after the year of updates and support expires.

This plugin is still actively developed, and has been receiving consistent bug fixes, updates, and new features, FOR THE PAST 7+ YEARS! Check out the Change Log to see for yourself.

Don’t forget to check out the reviews and testimonials to see how happy other clients are with both the plugin, and support provided! Click on the Reviews tab to see actual user reviews (actual customers, reviews are not fake or paid for).


  • Create unlimited custom Job, Company, and Resume Fields, using any of the available field types:
    Google AutoComplete, Range Slider, Number Spinner, Text Box, Text Area, WP Editor, Dropdown, Phone, File Upload, Password Text Box, Date Picker (jQuery UI), Range & Multiple Date Picker (flatpickr), Time Picker (flatpickr), Checkbox, Checklist, Radio Buttons, Multiselect, HTML, Section Header, Action Hook, HTML5 Email, HTML5 Tel, HTML5 URL, Hidden Fields,etc..
  • Conditional Fields (show/hide fields based on value or selection of another field, with unlimited custom logic configurations)
  • Dynamic Taxonomy Child Dropdowns (dynamically show child taxonomy term dropdowns with custom settings [single/multiple, required/not required, placeholder, etc])
  • Completely customize conditional logic transitions using Velocity.JS
  • HTML5 required Form validation and handling for all field types (no page reloads!)
  • Mobile Device specific compatibility and integration!
  • Completely customize default Job, Company, and Resume Fields ( edit, disable, view, etc )
  • Numerous settings including admin only, maxlength, placeholder, required, ajax file upload, max file size, multiple file upload and more!
  • Taxonomy Field Types ( Checklist, Multi-Select Dropdown [jQuery Chosen or Select2], Dropdown )Requires WP Job Manager >= 1.14.0
  • Save date field types using your pre-defined or custom formats (epoch, MySQL DATETIME, etc)
  • Backup, and Restore Fields
  • Backup, Edit, and Restore Conditional Logic through JSON UI Builder/Editor
  • Automagically set the Featured Image of listing by using featured_image meta key
  • Label and Description for fields support HTML (so you can do things like add required checkbox field that says “Yes, I agree to the Terms and Conditions” in the description, and more!)
  • Custom caching built-in using transients and object caching, no excessive added load or db queries!
  • Numerous Video Tutorials available!
  • Existing Empty Meta Cleanup Handling

Field Features

  • Field Validation using HTML5 pattern attribute (ie require field to be just numbers, or specific format, etc.  Uses regex so is completely customizable)
  • Automatic Populate any field from user meta (or any other source using filter) on submit Job/Resume page, with default value support. Works in admin section and frontend.  Also includes auto populating fields from value in the url GET ( ie at end of url:[email protected]  )
  • Sort Options (Dropdown, Radio, etc) via Drag and Drop interface
  • Limit number of files allowed to be uploaded in file upload field (on a per field basis)
  • Import field options via CSV file
  • Limit maximum file upload size (on per field basis)
  • Limit maximum image file dimensions (width and/or height)
  • Limit max selections of multi select fields (taxonomy and standard)
  • Output field label instead of value option (for field types with options, Dropdown, Radio, etc)
  • Output As LINK support for taxonomies (links to archive page)
  • Output As LINK only show filename as caption (if custom is not defined)
  • Output As LINK set link with mailto (if value to output is email address)
  • Show/Hide fields based on selected package (requires WooCommerce Paid Listings, see below)
  • Sortable File/Image Uploads

Additional Included Features

  • Google reCAPTCHA v2 on bottom of Job, Resume, and/or Application submit listing page (if enabled)
    Checkbox and Invisible types available
    (Available reCAPTCHA settings include theme, size, type, language, and disable for logged in users)
    Language can be forced to specific language, or automatically from WordPress get_locale()
  • Customize Submit Button label/caption on submit listing page
  • Customize “(optional)” label on fields or use custom label for required fields
  • Exclude specific taxonomy terms from displaying in taxonomy fields
  • All custom fields searchable through keywords like core fields
  • Completely Ajax (no page reloads)
  • PHP Warning FREE! (I test all plugins to make sure there is no debug output from PHP warnings)
  • Set user Avatar based on specific user meta key
  • Set WP Editor fields in admin area to full width
  • Enable Chosen.JS or Select2 in admin area
  • Custom handling to allow disabling job_description and/or resume_content fields without fatal errors
  • Auto Output support for default fields (must be enabled in settings)

Output Features

  • Integrated Widget to display custom fields as standard text, image, link, HTML5 Video, or oEmbed ( YouTube, Vimeo, SoundCloud, etc )
  • Automatic output configuration for each custom field on Job/Resume listing ( Top of Listing, Bottom of Listing, Meta Start, Meta End, and more … )
  • Automatic Output as standard value, link, image, HTML5 Video, Flatpickr Calendar, WordPress Image Gallery, Audio (WordPress audio shortcode), Video (WordPress video shortcode), or oEmbed (YouTube, Vimeo, SoundCloud, etc) with numerous location options (including priority support)
    Auto Output feature now supports unlimited locations/hooks!
  • Output fields with Shortcode or PHP Function
  • Conditional shortcode output ( IF / ELSE )
  • Each shortcode for multiple value field types

Custom Theme Compatibility

  • Support for Cariera theme (recommended)

  • Auto output support for Jobify theme (~9+ locations)
  • Auto output support for Listify theme (~21+ locations) – with Listify 2.0+ support
  • Auto output support for Jobera theme (~5+ locations)
  • Auto output support for WorkScout theme (~4 locations)
  • Auto output support for JobHunt theme (~44 locations)
  • Support for Listable theme
  • Support for WorkScout theme
  • Support for Capstone theme
  • Numerous compatibility handling for both Jobify and Listify theme by Astoundify

Custom Plugin Compatibility

    • WPML (WordPress Multilingual Plugin)
    • Polylang

Polylang and WPML supports dynamic field values through String Translation (automatically added and registered by plugin)

  • WP All Import (using the free WP Job Manager Field Editor Addon)
  • FacetWP (all fields shown in FacetWP data source, auto indexing, etc)
  • WooCommerce 3.0+ (compatible with 2.6+)
  • WooCommerce Paid Listings support for Job and Resume Listings ( configure fields to show only on specific packages )
  • WooCommerce Advanced Paid Listings
  • Astoundify Listing Payments
  • WP Job Manager Job Tags support and handling
  • WP Job Manager Products
  • WP Job Manager Resume Manager (requires version 1.11.0+ for compatibility with WP Job Manager 1.22.0+)
  • WP Company Manager
  • Astoundify Companies (initial support for field customization)
  • MAS Company Manager (initial support for field customization)
  • WP Job Manager Packages
  • WP Job Manager Visibility
  • WP Job Manager Emails
  • WP Job Manager Search and Filtering

Any theme or plugin listed under custom theme/plugin compatibility lists have specific code added to this plugin for support and handling. There are numerous other plugins and themes this plugin is compatible with. The lists above are only for themes/plugins that custom support has been added for.

Misc Features

  • Fully documented code ( PHP Doc )
  • Coded following WordPress PHP Standards ( CSS/JS only loads on plugin pages, code style, etc )
  • Translations included ( French, German, Italian, Japanese, Malay, Portuguese, Arabic, and Spanish )
  • Other translations available upon request

Planned Features

  • Support for education, experience, and links sub-fields

Got an idea for a feature?  Let me know and I will probably add it!

License Type Support Site Activations Support and Upgrades
Developer Support Ticket Unlimited 1 Year
Individual Support Ticket 1-2 1 Year

Individual licenses allow the plugin to be activated and receive updates on 1 site, whereas the Developer license allows activation on unlimited number of sites.

You can activate and deactivate sites as frequently as you would like with any license.

For example, say you want to activate your individual license on your development site, … a month later want to move it to To do this you can either deactivate the license from the Plugins page of your WordPress installation, or go to My Account on this site, and click “Delete” next to the domain in which the license is activated for.

Once the license has been deleted/deactivated you can reactivate it on any site you would like.

Requires PHP 5.3+ 
5.2 has been unsupported since 2011, there’s really no reason anybody should still be running 5.2, and if your hosting company is, you should tell them to upgrade immediately!

127 reviews for WP Job Manager Field Editor

  1. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    This is a perfect addition to the tool set and at a very reasonable price. Keep up the great work.

  2. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Great plugin. Easy to use and worth the price. The service is also great. I am a WP beginner and found it very easy to change all the items I needed.

  3. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    This is a great plugin and provides excellent capabilities to edit fields and add conditional logic. Overall, i am satisfied as this plugin solved my primary issue which was to be able to change the fields on the ‘static’ dummy job posting page that came along with the ‘Theme and the WP Job manager’. I was also particularly impressed with the ‘Conditional Logic’ functionality, it is pretty robust and good solution. Since it met all my expectations I am rating this with 5 stars.

    There are some questions and/or feedback that I would like to either get ‘answered’ or added to the feature log as appropriate.

    1. We are able to view the new fields/labels that were added to ‘Job Fields’ which have been added to the ‘Output’ of Job that was submitted. This is fine as the ‘Applicants’ are able to see these fields. However I was not able to find where these fields are actually being stored in WordPress database….these do not appear in the Admin ‘Job Listings’ of the Job Manager….so hope there is a simple way of being able to access these fields as we would need to be able to use this data…
    2. Is there ability to perform ‘Validations’, for eg., within the Date field I was able to see that we can set ‘Min’ and ‘Max’ days, but wanted to check if this can be done for other numeric or text fields.
    3. Is it possible to control or change the font size of the fields and the drop-down….particularly in the Multi-Select dropdown fields for Job Type / Job Category….the ‘font’ size is very tiny…so ability to change that would be great.

    Thank you.
    Satish A

  4. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    I thought this would take hours of development to get to where I needed by building custom fields, connecting to the database, triggering them on only particular post types, etc… Thankfully I found the WP Job Manager Field Editor plugin. Not only did it save the dev headache, it goes above and beyond what my vision was for my site, and good luck finding something this robust for a better price. A little learning curve at first but was surprised by how well documented every moving part is. After that, it was a breeze. The conditional logic is super usefull- Couldn’t be happier with this plugin!

  5. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Does exactly what my client needed it to do. In fact, WP Job Manager should consider rolling this into the functionality of their own plugin and pay Myles a big chunk of change for it!

  6. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    very good plugin and support.

  7. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    This is an exceptional plugin that is packed full of great features! It really exceeded my expectations. I wouldn’t be able to build my job board without it.

  8. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    This plugin is essential to set up a job board. This together with the search and filter plugin is a must I think. They work together and makes it possible to edit and adjust settings as needed and gives you new ideas how to make your site perfect.

    There is a lot of settings and tweaking so I would recommend buying a package of help instead of only the plugin. I did that mistake going in to this as a beginner on websites. It would save you time, money and effort paying more to get it set up and working instead of a lot of extra jobs to freelancers etc.

    I would give it 4,5 stars since there is some issues on some parts – but I give it 5 star here. I made conditional logics that was not possible and I had to rethink rather than be able to fix it and date of birth needed a custom fix in the my function file and also there is slight issues with the tag cloud etc. But this is just details in the whole concept of a big and heavy plugin with so much options and possibilities so its a no brainer to buy it – I would even say its a must to make a good job board. But as adviced buy a bigger package so you get help setting it up. It saves time and money in the long run.

    Amazing product and support!

  9. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    The WP Job Manager Field Editor plugin is awesome. I spent hours trying to edit my theme when in hindsight I wish i’d just bought this at the start! Using Cariera theme and it works seamlessly!

  10. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    I tried to make the changes I needed to make by editing the theme and plugin files, however finally came to the realization that this is a plugin worth having. And boy I’m glad I did, time is money and this will save you a tone of it!

  11. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    We had been using a Jotform for our job postings, but we switched to a new theme with Elementor Page Builder. I installed the WP Job Manager, but it did not have the same fields we’d been using. I installed this add-on and had the form rebuilt correctly in minutes. Very well done and well documented. It solve a real problem for our organization.

  12. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    This developer has great integrative coding skills and knowledge of WP/WP Job Manager. Updates and enhancements are always ongoing, for years now – it’s inspiring to see the commitment Myles has to keeping the Field Editor a top notch product. This is one of those plug-ins that I have 100% faith in being supported and updated for the long haul and a dev who will help if any bug arises.

  13. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Ive just started out using it.
    At first… I admit..this scared me…
    Its not the case…
    This tool is far too cool.
    The vids help out lots too.
    Im having fun.

  14. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Ok, I have now purchased all of Myles plugins and am beyond impressed. Development, and learning, continues as I explore the depth of these excellent plugins. I highly recommend this and all other plugins by Myles. WordPress + WP Job Manager + Myles plugins = everything you need to set up / manage a job site. This plugin is by far top of my list. Together with Search and Filtering they make a very powerful combo. 39$? It’s a damn steal! Awesome plugin!!!

  15. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    This is an amazing addon for WP Job Manager, save hours of coding and problem solving. Worth every cent.

  16. 5 out of 5


    Love the look and functionality of all plugins by sMyles. Is there an option to buy all plugins instead of purchasing each one individually?

  17. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    I have never been happier with a plugin. The conditional fields brings a level customization typically out of reach to most non-coders. The quality of this plugin, the documentation, and support are first class. I can’t say enough about how great this plugin is. If you run a WP Job Manager site you need this plugin.

  18. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    There are very few plugins on the market this well documented and supported. And it’s not just that this plugin simplifies things when it comes to modifying forms, it simplifies the task and decreases chances for human error. If you run WP Job Manager and you want the sort of flexibility with your forms that you get with other form builders, this plugin delivers. I won’t build job board websites without it.

  19. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    The WP Job Manager Field Editor plug-in is excellent, and the support that Myles provides is great, he helped us with all the questions.

  20. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Excellent plugin, especially as it works with WP Job Manager addons. Saved me hours of writing code hooks!

  21. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Amazing plugin and amazing support. A must have if you need to use wp job manager. Highly recommended.

  22. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    So far so good! This is certainly a superior plugin compared to other ones that intend to do the same thing. This plugin is incredibly easy to use & learn, yet has so many useful layers to it, making it functional in an immense amount of ways. Would highly recommend this plugin to anyone working with WP Job Manager who doesn’t want to code everything themselves!

  23. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Have used this now for a couple of months as I need to make a pretty ambitious web-site but so far everything is working great. Have added many additional fields and I have asked Myles various questions etc., and he has been really helpful.

    The only field that appears to be missing is a currency field which would be great even for just say US $, Can $, Eur and GBP. As this is not available, I still need to work out how to add this to a form.

    Have just used Conditional Logic for some fields and it is so easy and works really well. So will certainly investigate further.

    Great product worth every penny.

    • (verified owner):

      Thanks! Open up a ticket and I can help you with converting a standard text field into a currency field. There were many issues with all the different possible currencies and no real quality bug-free library to handle it, so I help clients to do this on a per site basis.

  24. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    This plugin does exactly what you would need or want it to do. It makes managing fields in WP Jobs a simple and quick process.

    But not just that. The support is exceptional! I had an issue with a theme I was using, the theme developers were unresponsive but the Smyles support staff spend a good few hours patching their plugin to work with my theme.

    As a developer I have never dealt with a support team that would go that far for a single customer, it was damn near unbelievable.

    So grateful, can’t recommend this plugin enough.

  25. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    This plugin worked perfectly for what I needed it for (remove the region requirement portion of jobify and add a couple custom fields). Myles went above and beyond with the support. A visual issue with the homepage was actually caused by an unrelated plugin, which is why I originally contacted Myles (ignorant that it had nothing to do with WP Field Editor). Myles then suggested alternate plugins and courses of action despite it not even being directly related to any of his plugins. Thanks a lot.

  26. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Myles’ plugins are well put together, and the level of after-sale support is just amazing!

  27. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Great plugin – another developer here who decided to trade a bit of cash for time: no need to reinvent the wheel when there is such a neat and all-rounded solution.

  28. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Awesome plugin and amazing support. It’s opened up some fantastic options for customizations with ease. Very happy with this purchase. Thank you!

  29. 4 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    I’m really happy with the WP Job Manager Field Editor plug-in! I’m not a developer, and the truth is that thanks to this kind of applications you can get yourself out of the rut you sometimes get into because you don’t know how to program. The plugin does exactly what it says, maybe with a not very easy learning curve, but in a couple of hours you are modifying the fields you need. So, I can only congratulate the creator and encourage him to keep improving the plugin. Maybe I should improve the user interface so that the experience when setting it up is more rewarding.

  30. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Before we talk about the plugin – let’s talk about the customer service. It is amazing. Top notch. Myles bends over backwards to help his customers and goes above and beyond the call of duty. You are going to be in good hands with him.

    The plugin is a must have addition to any person using the WP Job Manager suite of products. It makes customization of your site incredibly painless and super quick.

  31. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    It’s the most useful plugin for WPJM!

  32. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Great, easy-to-use plugin. Just what I needed!

  33. 5 out of 5


    Not only an incredible product, but the best customer support I have received in years. Quick, thorough, and helped me with the exact things I needed. Above and beyond what I expected. Highly recommend using any plugin by Myles.

  34. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Great plug in that lets you take complete control over the job manager submission form. Easy to use and great support. Highly recommended.

  35. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Saved me so much time and headache. The plugin so far, has thought of everything we needed with lots of granular control over where the additional form items show up. Took less than 15 minutes to add several custom form elements and even adjust existing ones.

    Just get it. You won’t regret it.

  36. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Amazing plugin! Thanks for the great work. Eases work so much for us. We were able to introduce a ton of new features in just a few hours. Please keep on developing! 🙂 Cheers Florian

  37. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    This plugin has allowed us to be flexible with our clients needs, adapting to new field requests and testing out options.
    The project required a lot of additional fields in various sections and this plugin provided that much needed functionality.

    Very impressive level of configerability for fields including outputting HTML which saves on a lot of templating code.

    All in all, fantastic value plugin that works fantastically well. The support from the developer has been great as well. Highly recommended!

  38. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Very useful comprehensive plugin that will expand your options for WP Job Manager.

  39. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Great plugin, worth every penny

  40. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):


    Smyles have developed great plugins and all of them are must have plugins if you wanna take your WP Job Manager based site to the next level.

  41. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    The plugin and support is great, it is a “must have” plugin for WP Job Manager!

  42. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Works flawlessly. Great product.

  43. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Excellent plugin. So convenient and easy to configure. Thank you!

  44. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Perfect add-on and great documentation/videos to make implementation easy.

  45. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Excellent. Saved me a lot of time & coding. Very helpful & responsive help.

  46. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    This add-in is pretty much a necessity for any template using WP Job Manager. With that being said, the add-in itself is user friendly and easily picked up. I do wish currency was a standard field selection and did not require additional filters.

    • (verified owner):

      Yeah unfortunately I had to omit from adding that as a feature in the plugin due to the numerous issues with available libraries, different currencies, formatting, and other issues that came up when trying to dynamically integrate it to support all possible configurations. I do provide support with setting it up though on a site-by-site basis which is quick and easy to do.

  47. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Brilliant add-on for WP Job Manager! Using this with the Jobify theme and it’s already saved me money by not having to hire a developer to make the changes I want.

  48. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Does exactly what it says on the tin! I played around with snippets of coding (I’m no developer!) before deciding to pay a few bucks for this and didn’t look back. Now have a much more effectively tailored submission form…

  49. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Excellent Plugin!

  50. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Very Happy with the plugin at the moment. We needed to have some custom front end fields and this does everything we wanted without to much effort, so 5*

  51. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Works great with job & resume boards.

  52. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Easy to use and works perfectly. Thanks!

  53. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    This should have been included with the original WP Job Manager plugin, it’s that good.

    Thanks for making our lives easier!

  54. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Very good! Good job!

  55. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Really straightforward and easy to use for my simple case. Worth the money not to have to muddle through this on my own.

  56. 4 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Great Plugin

  57. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    This is an essential plug in if you’re wanting to customize Job Manager. I’m using the WorkScout theme and it has integrated very well! Myles has added the conditional fields option, which, despite being in beta, has been working near perfectly for me! I’m thankful to be able to customize my job submission form (easily!) with each type of job submitted- endless possibilities here!
    Myles provides great support and added a bit of code to my site to resolve small issues with the conditional logic and output settings. The custom service may take a few days, but is quality and is really appreciated!

  58. 4 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Great plugin, really saved me a lot of time and money on adding fields and changing fields. The support is unfortunately slow in response.

    • (verified owner):

      I apologize for the delay, I was dealing with some personal issues, and do not normally work weekends, which resulted in an extended delay during that period of time.

  59. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Thanks mate, really great plugin which saved me hours of coding time. Usually $ 39,- is a lot of money for a WP plugin but not for this well coded plugin. It’s one of the best plugins I’ve ever bought!

  60. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Hello, I use “Field Editor” for several months now and this plugin really makes me good services.

    It is simple to take in hand and really allows to simply and efficiently customize the forms.

    Another important point is the support which is also very effective and friendly. The answers are fast, accurate and Smyles is always attentive to the problems we sometimes face.

    Thank you for this great plugin.

  61. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Fantastic Plug-in for WP Job Manager BUT it lacks 1 Important feature and could also do with an extra field option.
    Lacks the ability to include help(?)/tool-tips which helps many users a lot of the time.

    Other than that it’s easy to use and works perfectly.
    Thank You all

    • (verified owner):

      Thanks for the input, there is actually already a “description” area you can enter information like you describe, which when using default WP Job Manager templates it will output below the field, but there are numerous themes that convert this field into a icon that shows the description when you hover over it.

      I will however take this into consideration and see if it would be possible to enable an option to have a tooltip instead of showing below the field.

  62. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Perfect..This is high quality plugins

    All plugins here is high quality. Best support

  63. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Just great – not only the plugin but also the support!

  64. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    The plugin does an absolutely great job when it comes to editing the Job Listing fields for both:
    – front-end submission form
    – back-end

    It has an amazing range of field type, which we haven’t seen in any other plugin.

    It saved us a lot of time and we are grateful for being able to use such a useful and well-tested plugin.

    A suggestion would be to make the plugin work on 2 environments with 1 license:
    – the live site environment
    – the development environment on the local machine. We had to activate/deactivate the plugin in order to show the client our work progress.

    Thanks for your work!

    • (verified owner):

      Thank you, and yes once I move to the new server and site each license will include an additional activation for development/testing license. If anybody needs one before then, open a support ticket and request an additional activation for a development/staging/testing site.

  65. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Plug-in does exactly what it says on the tin! Superb. I have used on two sites and it’s worked flawlessly. Great value.

  66. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    The WP Job Manager Field Editor has proved to be brilliant. It’s saved me a huge amount of time and a huge number of headaches and the support has been absolutely first-rate.

  67. 4 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Awesome work, this is my first pruchase with you, and undoubtfully if I need any other of your plugins, I’ll get them right away! Quality of work, functions and support are all awesome….

    I’m not giving it 5 stars just because of 2 things:

    – Calendar(s) fields: horrible, anti-user friendly! If I want to collect my candidate’s date of birth I’m stuck because I can’t use your current options, they are ugly and confusing for users.

    – Image portfolio: there are soooo many candidates that need to present an image portfolio on their resumes, it’s unbelievable that neither WP Job Manager, themes working on it, or WPJM extensions haven’t yet thought of that! We are legions of admins that are desperate for an easy, cute and user friendly option for candidates / resumes to have a portfolio showcase!*

    *But, I jnow you guys are working on it, so awesome! Can’t wait to have that as my niche relies so hgeavily on portfolios 🙂

    All and all, spectacular job! Thank you.

    • (verified owner):

      Completely understandable, and I think you will be very happy to hear that the two issues you referenced, should be resolved with the latest version of the plugin! Version 1.7.0 includes all new calendar and time picker field types (using Flatpickr), with beautiful styling and numerous configuration options. In the next release of the plugin (1.7.2+) it will include a new output type, WordPress Image Gallery, which outputs thumbnail images with a lightbox when images are clicked on (uses built-in from Listable, Listify, Jobify, WorkScout, or loads dynamically).

  68. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Hi Myles,

    I like this plugin because saved me and is giving the opportunity to edit the website how I want on the most easiest way. It is good for beginners like me. 😀 Great work!



  69. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Another great plugin from Myles, saved me tons of time compared to having to edit the files your self. Worth the money ten fold, plus the support is absolutely fantastic!

  70. 2 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Still trying to figure out where everything is and what can be done. It’s not obvious where the functionality lives on the dashboard, so it’s more mucking around in the WP interface until you stumble upon what you’re looking for. What I’ve found so far only accomplishes a fraction of what I was hoping for, so I may have paid $40 to modify 3 or 4 fields.

    In general I abhor the entire WP system due to shoddy UI implementation (multiple paths to the same functionality is a cardinal sin in the world of UI design) and this doesn’t improve the situation. A plugin should have something (icon/avatar) to indicate that it’s an additional component and not part of the base system.

    Perhaps things will improve, if so I’ll gladly revise my comments. At the moment I’d rather grep through the code and use regex matching to make the desired changes.

    • (verified owner):

      I’m sorry you feel this way, but I don’t think those reasons should justify a bad rating on the plugin. I created numerous video tutorials that go over almost everything ( which you can watch if you’re unfamiliar with WordPress or the WP Job Manager ecosystem… all the menu items from my plugin are available under the associated main menu. If you’re looking for Resume Fields it’s the Fields sub-menu item under the Resumes main menu, same for Listings, it’s fields sub menu under the Listings main menu item. I do not, and will not set my plugins to have a main menu item unless it is justified to do so (like Visibilities has one), as the Emails and Field Editor are plugins that extend the functionality of another plugin, and as such, they are submenu items under the plugin they extend.

  71. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Best $40 I ever spent. Has saved me hours of time without the headache of coding. Was up and running in minutes. Within an hour I had my custom fields added and working! Great plug-in.

  72. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    So easy. I tried altering the code first and it was way too tricky. This plugin does exactly what you want it to, and although some areas are separated, you can number the fields to have them in the exact order you want. Highly recommend! 10-minute fix versus hours of figuring out code.

  73. 4 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Very helpful and detailed support.

  74. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Great plugin. Does what it is supposed to and certainly makes things easy to customise. I would recommend it to anyone who has a use for this sort of functionality.

  75. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    I love this plugin, it is extremely helpful! But more than that I am extremely impressed by how amazing the supoort is. Myles responds to queries so promptly, and is so very helpful! He even offered to set up some code for me with admin login. What an amazing author! He’s always updating the improving the product, and has many cool features coming up. This plugin is absolutely worth the money!

  76. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Great support.

  77. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Great plugin and the support has been great.

    I’m using the Listify Theme, and wanted to really tailor the listing and input fields without having to dive into the all the coding.

    It’s saved a bunch of time and money, and I definitely recommend this to anyone wanting to edit fields easily.

  78. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Having purchased i was not sure of what to expect, blown away by the ease of use and what the plugin acheives. Had a little issue with the template and plugin not liking the demo data, however alls well that ends well and the site now works perfectly to a very well thought out plugin! Keep up the good work!

  79. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Simple and yet powerful. Job Manager is an awesome plugin/framework but it is enhanced tenfold thanks to this plugin. Customise fields and labels to your hearts content. Thank you!!

  80. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Awesome! easy to use, really useful 🙂

  81. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Unbelievable plugin! With just a few modifications using this plugin, I look like a genius. 🙂

  82. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Great add on for WP Job Manager, essential for adding custom fields. Great plugin and excellent support.

  83. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Great plugin and more importantly, great customer support!



  84. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Easy to use and makes a big difference. Thanks!

  85. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Yep, great plugin. Keep up the good work.

  86. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Great plugin, definitely a must when working with wp job manager!

  87. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Very simple and well designed plugin. Not to mention the timely support I received. Thanks

  88. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    This has been a great addition to the WP Job Manager family! The fact that it covers Job Listings, Resumes and Company Fileds makes it super affective great work!

  89. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Fantastic plugin and top-notch support.

    Highly recommended!

  90. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Simple & great plugins , now in need of polylang support, which can have different language label & selct option.

    • (verified owner):

      Version 1.4.0, just released (12-8-2015) now supports WPML and Polylang!

  91. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    This is a great ! Easy and simple ! Thanks !

  92. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    This plugin does much more than you anticipate and will save you a ton of time. I’m a confident coder but not afraid of using plugins like this to reduce my development time – which it does!
    An absolute must for customising WP Job Manager.
    Looking forward to seeing how this plugin develops.
    Many thanks to the developer for this great plugin and support!

  93. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Works like a charm (I wanted to remove the opening hours fields in the submission form on Listify theme).

  94. 4 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Great plugin. I bought it with the hopes of being able to limit the amount of images a user uploads.

  95. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):


  96. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Having been a PHP and WP developer since 2005, I’m no stranger to the code. I thought “How much could the Field Editor really benefit me?” I’ve had about 3 weeks to work with the plugin, and I have to say I’m blown away. Not having to think about that $fields array for the front end; then the back end array; and then the display function for each field, an investment of 80 bucks has saved me $100s of dollars in time. It makes custom field management effortless, allowing me to focus on billable time rather than tweaking PHP code. Solutions this great definitely need support. Please keep up the great work!

  97. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    great job !

  98. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Nicely done, yes there are some improvements which could be made but it does what it says

  99. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Good plug in with great customer support.

  100. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Fantastic plugin. Suggested features that I would really like to see in future versions:
    Country field type
    Languages field type
    Drag and drop fields to reorder them (the field priority numbering system is not very user friendly).
    Date of Birth field type – basically a special type of date format that has an option to display age at the front end. Or even just add this option to the existing date field.

    These would make the plugin even more awesome!

  101. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    I like the plugin. It works well with WP Job Manager + Listify. I don’t know if this is something the Field Editor plugin could do, but I wish it had conditional fields. For instance, it’d be nice if the plugin allowed different fields to populate based on a users choice in a previous field.

  102. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    What a helpful plug-in! Fantastic job! And the support is awesome!

  103. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    This plugin made it so easy for me to edit the fields i wanted… pretty much a ‘must have’ when using the WP Job Board plugin!

  104. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Great plugin, even greater support!

    I definitely got back my investment many times over! But don’t take my word for it. Try it!

  105. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    This is hands down one of the best plugins i have ever purchased. Ever.

    It is truly amazing to see this kind of ongoing support and adding of additional content for a plugin you purchase, really tremendous job being done here at Smyles. Also i’m very impressed to see that there is a slew of awesome features that i did not expect to be receiving, you can find them over in the plugins Docs. Thank you so much and i hope you keep up with the amazing updates.

  106. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    The plugin did more than I expected and saved me from hiring someone for customisation.

  107. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    There are plenty of folks here that will attest to how great the plugin works. But to keep being productive we need SUPPORT.

    Had a recent issue where somebody else’s plugin update (Ninja Forms) ‘broke’ one of the processes associated with WP Job Manager Field Editor. About an hour after I submitted my ticket here, these folks resolved my issue, and logged a github issue w/ Ninja forms.

    GREAT, PERFECT SUPPORT. Thanks Smyles.

  108. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    The Fields Editor plugin is an absolute must if you are going to add or modify fields in WP Job Manager. This plugin is intuitive to use and support by the developer Myles has been amazing. I am so happy I decided to purchase this plugin; it has been well worth it to save me many headaches. Thank you!

  109. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Nice work. This plugin makes WP Job Manager a great tool. Thanks! –

  110. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    I would like to say that the version 1.2.7 is amasing. For now I m be able to generate different jobpackages with specail look an feel. And the new fieldtyp phone is looking very nice! I hope to see of some css via each field in the future.
    Tahnk you so much!

  111. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    The Field Editor plugin was essential in helping us tailor our job board to our specific needs. It works well, without any glitches. Please keep on improving it and adding more features! — Eric

  112. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Awesome plugin. A must have. Can’t imagine working with WP Job Manager without it. Thanks so much!

  113. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    This plugin saves so much time it isn’t even funny! Totally worth every penny and I would highly recommend it to others.

  114. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    A solid time-saver of a plug in, I bought it to customize my Listify site and the added flexibility it enables is awesome! I had one issue and it was quickly addressed with a SW update. That’s solid support.

  115. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Saved me a lot of time and frustration. Worth the money and would recommend it to other users. Support is excellent.

  116. 4 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Definitely needed if you want to customize any of the submission fields (using Listify + WP Job Manager).
    The only crux I came across is the inability to save WP user meta.

    • (verified owner):

      Please submit a support ticket with any issues and i’ll be sure to help you with them. Saving to the user’s meta is already supported with the Auto Populate feature, more details can be found in the documentation section.

  117. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    It’s a nice treat when a plugin works, and works well!

    Right after install you can get to work without fussing about with backend settings. But at the same time it allows you to go deeper with the ability to assign individual class names for css styling, as well as auto-populating fields per user. Really Great!

    This is a must buy add-on for Job Manager. seriously.

  118. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    This is a very easy to use plugin and if you use Listify and are not an extremely experienced coder, it’s pretty much a must have. Well worth the money. Also, I’m not sure but if you are using Listify you only need the Job+Company option for $29 (I got the $39, not sure if its necessary).

  119. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    We saved a lot of time usign this plugin, it’s very easy to configurate and well documented.

  120. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    It’s definitely worth the money to save a lot of time with this plugin. I use this with the Listify theme. Great support, great plugin. No complaints here.

  121. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Works great with niche job boards!

  122. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    This means for us saving programming work and take off our shoulders a load off, all for a few dollars. It is simple to set up and the results are more than great. Thanks for this great plugin.

  123. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    AS the other reviews say, if you’re using Job Manager, you need this plugin. Gives you complete control over the form fields, turning it from something very generic to something you can tailor exactly to you client’s need. And really easy to use too.

  124. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    If you are using job manager ..a fine day you will need to use this plugin , ) ) mine has already arrived . and can not give less than 5 stars.

  125. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Great add-on and great support for sure. A must have so you can manage your custom fields. I definitely recommend it.

  126. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Yes you are right! And in the next version you can costumize the link-fielts, education-fielts and so on. I hope, that many people will buy this plugin!!

  127. 5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    This is a great add-on for WP Job Manager and one that is more than just useful!

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