If you want to output in the “Overview” area of the WorkScout or Cariera themes, this is something supported in the Field Editor plugin, here’s how to set it up: Auto output selection must be “Meta Start”, “Meta End”, or “Meta After” (meta after only for Jobs) If you are using “additional outputs” the output […]
Each Shortcode for Field Editor
With the release of version 1.9.1 of the WP Job Manager Field Editor plugin, there is a new shortcode available to use for outputting multiple value field types (multiselect, repeatable, etc). Below you can find details of this new shortcode, including the available arguments/attributes, and examples of how to use. [each_custom_field] This shortcode is meant for […]
Template Overrides
To customize the template you would need to use Template Overrides which you can find more information on the wpjobmanager.com documentation site: https://wpjobmanager.com/document/template-overrides/ If you want to customize any of the form field templates (template for field types), please see this link for documentation on that: https://plugins.smyl.es/docs-kb/using-custom-template-overrides-for-input-fields/ – For the Packages addon the override directory should […]
1.8.9 Compatibility Specifics for WPJM 1.32.0+
This documentation article is for developers, or users/clients that want to know the specific details regarding the 1.8.9 Field Editor update to fix issues with the change in WP Job Manager 1.32.0+ to use the Select2 framework. UNDER CONSTRUCTION Changes Added multiselect-legacy.min.js and term-multiselect-legacy.min.js files to match
Show/Hide widget based on custom field value using Widget Options Plugin

There may be times where you want to configure whether or not to show a widget, based on the value of a custom field you have created with WP Job Manager Field Editor. While there is nothing integrated in my plugin at this time to do it, it’s very easy to do using the free […]
Dynamic Taxonomy Child Dropdowns

Dynamic Taxonomy Child Dropdowns please note: this feature only works for hierarchal taxonomies (meaning only taxonomies you can set terms to have a “parent”). This works for any taxonomy (custom or default) assigned to Job or Resume post types. To enable this setting, edit the taxonomy field you want to use this new feature on. As you […]
Field Editor Conditional Shortcodes 1.7.0 – 1.8.0
As of version 1.7.0+ the shortcodes now have conditional logic integrated with them. For any specific examples below, I will be using [custom_field] shortcode, but they all will work the same. See the end of this page, for video tutorial that goes over these features. This documentation is for Field Editor 1.8.0 or OLDER, please […]
Admin Only Fields in Conditional Logic
As of version 1.8.1 of the Field Editor WP Job Manager addon, you can now use the filters below to allow any admin only field, or only specific ones you define … along with a default value for that field (if you want). Version 1.8.0 or older you were able to select an admin only […]
Field Editor Conditional Shortcodes
As of version 1.8.1+ the shortcodes now have conditional logic integrated with them. Make sure to read all the documentation below, especially if you plan on nesting conditional shortcodes inside each other. Documentation for Conditional Shortcodes in version 1.7.0 through 1.8.0, can be found here: https://plugins.smyl.es/docs-kb/field-editor-conditional-shortcodes-1-7-0-1-8-0/ Full shortcode attributes and reference can be found here: […]
Using custom template overrides for form input fields (form-fields)
If you plan to use Template Overrides for WP Job Manager, and those template overrides are for any of the input fields (any files inside the form-fields directory), and you are using the Field Editor plugin, there are a few things you need to be aware of. This documentation is only applicable for any of the FORM […]